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16 tipů, jak zaplnit stránky prázdných sešitů, které vám leží v šuplíku

16 tips to fill the pages of empty notebooks lying in your drawer

| Martina Dušková

Most of our customers have one more thing in common besides their refined taste and love for stationery. Actually, it's a common problem that we paper lovers know all too well. Whenever we come across wonderful notebooks, pads and notebooks somewhere, our heart tells us that we must have them. In a moment, however, reason will be heard, reminding us of the pile of notebooks waiting for us in the drawer, and we haven't written a single line in them yet. And so we often end up forgiving ourselves of the joy of a new notebook. At the same time, you can do such things with notebooks! For inspiration, we wrote this article, which I hope will inspire you to start writing, creating and enjoying your paper treasures that deserve to be used. 🙂

We also often hear that you are afraid to write in our notebooks. If this is also your case, we would like to encourage you. Do not worry! We make all notebooks so that they make you happy not only with their appearance, but mainly with the things you fill them with. And if something goes wrong, there are erasers, erasers, and lots of pretty pictures to cover up the mistakes! And don't forget, the notebook is a consumable item and you can buy more at any time. At pritintin, we are constantly creating new and exciting products that you are excited to use. 🙂

By the way, how many empty notebooks do you have at home and how many of them are still unwritten?

1. Joy and gratitude

Fill the pages of your notebooks with optimism. All around us there are so many things that we take for granted and yet we would hardly be able to imagine life without them. Write down 3 things you are grateful for each day or that put a smile on your face. It can be something fundamental, such as the birth of a baby, but also completely "banality", such as good weather or a compliment from a colleague at work. Whenever you feel sad, you can reach for the notebook and remind yourself that the world is actually a beautiful place.

2. Back to the benches

The first thing we associate with notebooks is school. Whether you're still in school or you're long gone, there are so many things we can continue to educate ourselves on. Not because we have to, but because we want to. You definitely have a list of things you want to learn, you just haven't had a chance to start yet. Is it drawing? Photography? A new language? Take one blank notebook from your pile and turn it into an excuse to enroll in a course you've been wanting to take for a long time. Write down all the new knowledge you gain in the lessons on the blank pages. It is not for nothing that they say that repetition is the mother of wisdom. Even when taking online courses (we like e.g. those on skillshare ) for which you expect to remember everything, it is a good idea to take notes during the lessons. Thanks to them, you can learn new knowledge more easily and you can return to it at any time.

3. For the love of writing

If one of the things that attracts you for a long time is writing beautifully or just improving your handwriting, you can use another blank notebook to practicing your handwriting. Whether you're a beginner and just practicing the basic strokes, or you've already taken some writing lessons and are practicing compositions, you don't have to practice only on loose sheets of paper. In the workbook, you can see the progress beautifully between the page you wrote first and the page you finished the workbook on. (Tip: If you're looking for more resources on calligraphy and lettering, or if you're wondering how to get started, check out our book  For the love of writing :))

4. You draw, I draw, we draw

If writing is not your thing, but you like to draw, paint, illustrate or otherwise create, you can train in one place . Again, you will see the improvement so beautifully. If you want to make your drawing special, you can take the notebook in the style of "one picture per day/week/month..." and draw what interests you the most during the given period of time. Or you can find any other thematic focus. Try to draw only unicorns, use only two predetermined colors or express your emotions artistically.

5. Thought storage

We all want our notebooks to be beautiful, not wrinkled and well-kept. But if you're feeling brave, try to reserve one notebook for your daily thoughts and carry it with you everywhere, even in your purse. Smaller notebooks are great for this ( such as these ) . And what will it do you? You definitely know that feeling when you get the idea a great idea that you need to write down , but you don't have anything handy. So you write it on a piece of napkin or a receipt and put it somewhere you will never find it again. Thanks to a small notebook, you will have all your notes together and once in a while you can go through everything and organize it as needed.

6. Lists

I love lists. There is nothing more satisfying than ticking off items and adding new ideas . Designate one workbook just for lists of different kinds. List of 100 things you want to experience in life. List of books you definitely want to read. List of the most beautiful movies you've seen. List your biggest wishes. Or reach for our favorite notebook and write down a list of things you definitely won't be able to do in time .

7. Dear diary...

In the first grade of elementary school, I used most of my notebooks to make diaries. I wrote the first page and never got back to it. Today, so-called journaling attracts me more and more, because it is behind it much more than just describing what I had for lunch , as I thought at the age of eight. It's good to set a time, morning or evening, and write down something small every day. If nothing major is happening in your life right now, don't worry, it doesn't have to affect your everyday life at all. Write about how you feel or what you think about most often. It is an excellent therapeutic tool . If you need inspiration, try searching the internet for "journaling prompts" and you'll get tons of ideas for topics to write about. From a dream vacation to more difficult topics that will definitely help to put down on paper.

8. One line a day...

The human mind is a powerful thing, but it also often forgets. It is unlikely that we will forget any major event, but we often forget the everyday little things that happen to us . If you don't like the classic diary, you can try the "One line a day" method. Write one sentence per line each day. In a year, you will have 365 lines described with the most important events of each day . Unlike a gratitude journal, it doesn't have to be only positive events, but write down everything you want to keep. One day, when you look back at your notes, you will definitely appreciate that you have everything together and you can remember even a little thing that you would normally forget within a month.

9. Notebook of a cultural critic

Just as we can often forget our everyday days, we can also forget the feelings we had, for example, after reading a book. Therefore, make a notebook for your cultural experiences. And we don't mean reading diaries from school years. Just write it down what interested you, evaluation, insights, feelings or perhaps the main character's favorite quote. You can then easily see which book interested you the most, or recommend a tailor-made work to someone. If you are not an avid reader, you can do the same with movies, TV shows, theater performances or even going to restaurants.

10. Bullet Journal

There is an incredible number of diaries in stationery offers with various themes and layouts that everyone has to choose. But if you are looking for a more creative option, or if you want to make a diary exactly according to your requirements, try the Bullet Journal method and use one of the notebooks in your collection for it. It is about personal planning method , the basis of which is very simple. It's up to you if you want to use colors, stickers or other gadgets. Anička introduced me to this method last year, and for the first time I feel that I am organized and have all my tasks and thoughts in one place. I started out very austere, but gradually I improve my notebook and I don't let it go. If you want to learn more about Bullet Journalling, get started with this video directly from the founder of this method.

11. Sample book

If you are a true stationery enthusiast, you certainly have a collection of various markers, washi tapes, crayons at home in addition to notebooks or other creative tools. It often happens that markers write differently than what is indicated on the packaging or you simply have so many writing supplies that you store them in different places. Simplify your work and make a template from one free notebook. Write a short sentence in your notebook with felt-tip pens or perhaps stick a piece of tape. Combining colors for your next project will be a piece of cake.

12. Green notebook

Are you also a lover of indoor plants or do you take care of the entire garden? I recently received plant number 40 and it became a bit difficult for me to keep all the information about them in my head . So I dedicated one of the notebooks to my maids and I write down how much light and water they need, when I fertilized them last or when and from where they found their way to me. You can also attach a list of your dream plants, a calendar for when you should plant carrots, or perhaps stick drawings of your flower beds.

13. Dream notebook

This time I am not talking about the dreams that appear to you at night, but about your wishes, goals... Devote one notebook to all the things connected with them. Write down everything you wish and dream about in life. Make a detailed to-do list of what you need to do to make your dreams come true. On the website, describe your vision of how you want your life to look in a year or 10 years. Tape up your vision board. You can also try the great "reversed bucket list" method - write down everything you've accomplished in your life so far. I'm sure all these things will come in handy the moment you are need to add motivation or just clarify where you want to direct your life .

14. Photo album

Who says you only have to write in a notebook? Print your favorite photos and stick them in the most beautiful notebook that is lying in your drawer. You fill it with your memories and thus you will give him the sweetest purpose.

15. Notebook as a gift

The penultimate tip is again for the brave. Surely there is someone in your life whom you prefer more than notebooks in a drawer. Take one notebook and fill it with your favorite recipes, messages or photos. Then eat it give as a gift to someone who will be pleased . Everyone will appreciate a hand-made, tailor-made gift.

16. Notebook as decoration

If not a single tip caught your eye and you still don't have pages of notebooks to fill, I have one last rescue tip . Do not keep notebooks closed in a drawer and display them as decoration. If you own designer pieces, they will look great on a shelf or perhaps on a bedside table. And who knows, maybe one day, looking at them, you'll get an idea of ​​what to fill them with. You can try to approach the exhibition of notebooks in a somewhat unconventional way. Use a wooden one, for example dish rack from IKEA and display your entire collection of notebooks at once.