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O tom, jak s vámi strávíme následující tři roky

About how we will spend the next three years with you

| Martina Dušková

You know that situation where you tell yourself to start journaling? You are tempted to write down everything that happens in your life, what you think about and wonder if someone will find your diary in a hundred years and you will be a famous Anne Frank. (Although with your worries, it looks more like the next Bridget Jones.) So you run to the stationery store, choose the most beautiful notebook and prepare it on your bedside table so that every evening you can fill its pages with the most beautiful moments of your days. You are very happy on the first day, and you describe the Sunday lunch at your grandmother's to the last detail. The next day, nothing groundbreaking happens, you don't know much about what to write, but you still manage to put together a few lines. On the third day you don't catch up, and on the fourth you fall asleep before you even get to the diary. And the diary, with one written page, slowly moves into a drawer with all the other notebooks that have met the same fate. Does this sound familiar? Then maybe we have a solution just for you!

On the first day of November, we had another new release, which we worked on with the publishing house CooBoo . We named her Year after year and its subtitle reads Triennial Journal . We have prepared for you inside 366 questions , one for each day. Briefly describe your answer on the six lines below each question. And to keep it from being boring, sometimes instead of a question, you can also have a small task, activity or mini-questionnaire waiting for you. When you finally reach it after a year, you start again from the beginning. Six more lines are prepared for you for the next year, and the same for the third year. As you fill in, you can see your previous answers and watch your opinions and life change. We designed the questions to cover all areas of your life. Their goal is to guide you through the entire three years, record your thoughts and experiences, but at the same time support you in constantly developing, taking care of yourself and learning new things. So no more sitting over a blank page and wondering what to write today. You can start filling in at any time, just turn to the page with today's date.

The three-year diary is our fourth title in the series. We started with a book about calligraphy  For the love of writing , they continued with the Christmas planner Time for Christmas and a practical one was added this spring Travel Diary . Of course, I love all of our children's books equally, but I have to admit that I was looking forward to this one a little more. When our editors Katka and Terezá and I were thinking about what we would do next, I knew that I would enjoy not only creating, but also filling out the three-year diary.

From the beginning, I was afraid that coming up with 366 questions would be difficult. In the end, it went smoothly and we had more questions in our heads than we needed, so the hardest thing was to choose from them the best. It took us so long that when we had to choose the final 366 on the day of handing in the questions, Anička broke it before midnight. (Okay, maybe it wasn't just the questions, but also the gin we used to strengthen ourselves and celebrate that after a few months, thanks to Anička's return from Holland, we are finally seeing each other live again)

In fact, we already feel that we are quite seasoned in publishing book publications. The proof is that this time we didn't encounter any jams or panics (as far as possible) and we brought our book workflow to near perfection. While Kačka prepares and adjusts all the illustrations, our text content is proofread by the CooBoo editors, and it is up to me to deploy our first book prototype at that moment. Then it is the turn of the cover and at the same time the typesetting of the book block, which is also fully in our hands, and Anička already manages it with her left back. This time, she amazingly managed to decorate each page so that each of them is an original ❤ After several back-checks, we managed to hand in the diary on time, despite the health indispositions in the team (with one small concussion and urethritis). When Year after Year was already in print, we put our feet on the table (only in theory, of course we had a lot of work to do on the e-shop, which always suffers a little during the creation of diaries and books) and they enjoyed how we were already a well-matched team after the fourth book.

We really hope you enjoy this 424-page tome as much as we do, and we wish you a wonderful three years with it! You can find it in our e-shop or in most bookstores 🥰

for printintin,

PS We also made new sticker sheets for the diary, which correspond with the illustrations of the individual months. We still have it on offer October, November and December , but more will be added every month.